Requirements analysis in the field of network coverage and capacity planning (radio traffic load)
Site searches and search radius planning with tool supported prediction and the creation of quantity structures
Measuring runs and supply tests for calibration purposes and the testing of the tools, propagation models and link budgets used.
Preparation of tender documents for the selection of the systems engineering supplier
Interference analysis, frequency planning taking into account the available frequencies and, where appropriate, the HCM Agreement frequency coordination in Germany's border regions)
Definition of system engineering components (antenna, tilt, AVV etc.)
Visualisation of the planning results achieved using suitable tools as the basis for cost and profitability analyses
Public authority management for the grant of a site certificate from the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA)
Preparation and review of site plans, acceptance of building work at the competed sites
Analysis of existing radio networks and review of the required network parameters (coverage, TRX capacity utilisation, hand-over etc.)
Parameter planning and optimisation
Documentation of the work and the project progress for coordination with the various planning departments involved (connection, acquisition and project management)
Creation of quantity structures using outline network planning
Detailed radio network planning and support for the planning process
Frequency and code planning
Parameter planning
The planning of special projects such as in-house coverage, tunnel coverage and railway coverage