Requirements analysis in the fields of topography and capacity planning with the necessary connection structure
Preparation of tender documents for the selection of the systems engineering supplier
Site search and search radius planning using tool-supported LOS and leased line planning for the creation of quantity structures including any necessary repeater sites
LOS test and availability query with the regional landline provider to identify the possible connection variants
Frequency planning and link engineering as the basis for the planning requirements in the connection area
Definition of the system engineering components (point to point antennas, APL, USV, LWL technology etc.)
Visualisation of the planning results achieved using suitable tools as the basis for cost and profitability analyses
Public authority management for the grant of a site certificate from the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA)
Analysis of existing infrastructures and review of the required network parameters (connection availability, band width etc.)
Parameter planning and optimisation of existing network structures
Documentation of the work and the project progress for coordination with the various planning departments involved (radio network planning, acquisition and project management)